50% Off on All Speck MacBook Cases at Beyond the Box

Beyond the Box could be cleaning their inventory to make room for upcoming stocks. Why? Because they’re holding a 50% off promotion on ALL Speck MacBook cases. You read that right. That MacBook shell you can’t buy because it was a bit off your budget? Well, you can buy it now for half the price.

Click the images below to enlarge.

50% Off on All Speck MacBook Cases at Beyond the Box 50% Off on All Speck MacBook Cases at Beyond the Box

This promotion will run from May 9 to June 9, 2013. That’s a whole month to stock up on your favorite Speck MacBook cases.

These 50% off Speck MacBook cases are available at the following stores: Abenson, A. Shop, Avant, Beyond the Box, Digital Arena, Digital Hub, Digital Walker, Electroworld, E-Central, Futureworld, Gadgets In Style, iBook, iCenter, iGig, iStore, iShop, iStudio, Liteware, Mobile 1, Powerhub, Senco Link, Silicon Valley, Switch, Technoholics,TechSavvy, and The Inbox Store.

50% Off on All Speck MacBook Cases at Beyond the Box